Javascript comments

2 min readFeb 9, 2023

In JavaScript, comments are used to add annotations or explanations to the code, to make it more readable and understandable for other developers. They are ignored by the JavaScript interpreter and do not affect the execution of the code.

Advantages of using comments in JavaScript

Improved readability 📖: Comments help to explain the purpose of the code, making it easier for others (and yourself) to understand what the code does. This is especially important in large or complex projects where code can be difficult to follow.

Debugging and maintenance 🛠️: Comments can be used to explain why certain code was written in a certain way, or to provide information about how it should behave. This information can be very helpful when fixing bugs or updating the code in the future.

Collaboration : When working on a project with other developers, comments can help to communicate your thought process, provide context, and make the code easier to work with.

Better organization: Comments can be used to break up code into logical sections, making it easier to understand the structure and organization of the code.

Self-documentation: By writing descriptive and meaningful comments, you can create self-documented code that requires less external documentation or explanations.

Overall, using comments in JavaScript can make your code more readable, maintainable, and understandable, which can lead to improved collaboration, faster bug fixing, and better organization of code.

There are two types of comments in JavaScript:

  • single-Line Comments
  • Multi-Line Comments

Single-Line Comments: These start with two forward slashes (//) and continue until the end of the line. For example:

//This is a single Line comment

Another example with realtime using in javascript code

console.log("Hello World")// This line of code prints hello world in console

Multi-Line Comments: These start with /* and end with */. Everything in between is considered a comment. For example:

let x = 20
let y = 30
z = x+y
/*Two variables called x and y has a value of
20 and 30. These variable are added and stored in
a variable called z. Later this variable is printed in the
console using console.log.

Single-line comments are used for short explanations or annotations, while multi-line comments are used for longer explanations or for commenting out sections of code that are not needed at the moment. Both types of comments are ignored by the JavaScript interpreter and do not affect the execution of the code.

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